Protocol for COVID-Cluster Illness + Vaccine Injury & Illness

Note: This article was written earlier this year and is now considered outdated. I will leave it for archiving purposes, but please visit the Singaporean Protocol blog post for the most up-to-date protocol recommendation:

The first and most important thing to do if you are experiencing symptoms is to get a D-Dimer blood test to assess your personal risk for blood-clotting. Canadian physician and researcher Dr. Charles Hoffe has found evidence of blood-clotting in 62% of vaccinated patients. This test can also serve as a proxy for COVID and vaccine toxicity. 

Detox and Elimination Protocol for Graphene Oxide and Heavy Metals:

600mg-1200mg of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) on an empty stomach
500mg-1000mg Glutathione on an empty stomach

Chlorella and/or Spirulina for extra heavy metal detox support
*doing this portion during a fast or mini-fast helps the elimination go faster and stronger. I recommend Medical Medium’s 3:6:9 detox program or any Gerson cleanse for additional elimination support for toxic elements. Additionally, it is crucial to any detox/elimination process to stay adequately hydrated, or even over-hydrated. To accomplish this, drink 8 or more cups of water per day, preferably with lemon, lime, cucumber, melon, or any fresh living fruit with high water content. This will effectively make the water “wetter” and better able to assist with elimination and detoxification. Alkaline water and distilled water are also great options to amplify detoxification and elimination.

Immune Support:

I use Vitamin D-3 for both treatment for my own long-hauler symptoms and for prophylaxis. I recommend anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 IU’s per day. Taking it anytime is fine. Getting sunshine
is recommended as well for natural Vitamin D support. Consult your doctor before choosing your dosage of Vitamin D-3. Some genetic lineages are more prone to cytokine storms, and these individuals need to be more cautious when it comes to Vitamin D. Other researchers recommend 1,000-4,000 IU’s per day maximum. It is important to consult your doctor for specific in

Spike Protein Elimination:
Enroll in Integrative Medicine or utilize America’s Frontline Doctors ( to consult with physician and obtain either Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. Take as prescribed with food and either 50mg of Elemental Zinc or 220mg of Zinc Sulfate. Note: additional providers have stepped up to the plate to offer therapeutics to patients.

** Note/Update 8/4/2021 — Per experience working with individuals seeking Ivermectin support, it appears that America’s Frontline Doctors and their partner pharmacy Ravkoo are experiencing severe deficits in customer service and lags in prescription fulfillment, most likely due to an extraordinarily high volume of demand for which they appear to be ill-prepared. Although the collective institutional knowledge of America’s Frontline Doctors is impressive with respect to these issues/concerns, my current recommendation is that you work with your primary doctor or another local option to obtain Ivermectin or HCQ support. Here is a resource that you can use to educate your local physicians about Ivermectin protocols:

Share With Your Doctor Click Here

And, here is a list of alternative providers listed by FLCCC Alliance. I will be following up with some of these options to update my recommendation list for this blog and other printed publications:

Get Ivermectin Doc List Click Here

Oxygenation Support:
Use Wim Hof breathing, Alkaline breathing techniques, therapeutic oxygen, ozone therapy, or MMS (chlorine dioxide) for COVID-killing oxygenation support.

Preserving Consciousness and Selfhood:
Advanced energy healing may be required for those who need help “coming back into the body.” Sleep is incredibly important for any intensive healing and detoxification process.


Research in Support of Ivermectin for COVID + Vax Illness


Clearwater Article: Protocol + Symptom-Specific Recommendations