#SaveTheVaxxed Resources

The #SaveTheVaxxed Movement is fully launched! We’re here, and we’re CLEAR! GET USED TO IT! Here are resources to assist all #STV warriors on their mission!

(1) Extropic Esoterica’s #SaveTheVaxxed Coaching Manual. This 35-page manual is damn-near comprehensive, addressing topics from how to prepare yourself for your mission to #SaveTheVaxxed, to mental and emotional considerations confronting vaxxed people, to neutralizing nanotech and detoxing the vaxx material itself. This is a resource that is freely offered so distribute it widely!!! https://www.mediafire.com/file/yhc1a4ts13yjpj3/EE+Vx+Coaching+Manual.pdf/file

(2) Extropic Esoterica’s De-Vaxx Quick Kit. Larger font, tailored specifically for individuals who need to de-vaxx. It comes to 19 pages but it’s large-font so it’s a much quicker read than the Manual without the parts that are geared toward coaches. https://www.mediafire.com/file/3gtohyhmy9seyfk/DeVaxx_Quick_Kit.pdf/file

(3) More De-Vaxx Options (Extropic Esoterica). This document explains protocol modifications and alternatives to the methods discussed in #1 and #2. This document is expected to expand as more viable de-vaxxing options emerge.

(4) The Asea Redox-Focused Protocol for Vaxx Detox (Extropic Esoterica). This is the latest protocol which is easier for working people due to the adherence factor. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14yJ2aunBXuBpYPWrhOPTE5Y1vAOlP6tP/view?usp=sharing

(5) How to Detox the Covid Vaxx. This is a recorded class on the Global Patriot Mission Coaching Rumble page. Lasting approximately 2 hours, it teaches individuals how to detox the covid vaxx bioweapon. It encompasses manual resources number 2 and number 3, earlier in this list. https://rumble.com/vxfirn-how-to-detox-the-covid-19-vaxx.html

(6) The Asea Redox-Focused Protocol for Vaxx Detox. This is a recorded class, lasting about 1 hour and 14 minutes, on the Global Patriot Mission Coaching Rumble page. It teaches how to utilized the Asea Redox-Focused protocol to detox the vaxx. It encompasses manual resource number 4, earlier in this list. https://rumble.com/v106a0x-the-asea-redox-focused-protocol-for-vaxx-detox.html

(7) Vaxx Basics PowerPoint. This PowerPoint summarizes the groundbreaking microscopy study by Dr. Robert O. Young, proving the ingredients within the vaxx bioweapons. Additional resources are utilized to paint a more comprehensive picture of the effects of the vaxx bioweapons. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RZi5Z-LJOjjndk4ba_TRd3Ee5eqaBSn-/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102860555512870122768&rtpof=true&sd=true

(8) Trust the Science Against the Covid Vaxx. This is a PDF article with an annotated bibliography summarizing 41 scientific resources that demonstrate the toxicity of the vaxx. The resources are hyperlinked so that the reader can further explore the hard science of this topic. Send to all of your “trust the science” Fauci-worshipping friends and acquaintances. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NJLGfyVmAaXYaC4pwghCxqa6UwJcSuVd/view?usp=sharing

(9) Trust the Science Against the Covid Vaxx Video Lecture. This video lecture on the Global Patriot Mission Coaching Rumble page reviews the Trust the Science article (resource #8 on this list), and also includes the Vaxx Basics powerpoint (resource #7 on this list). https://rumble.com/v1436je-trust-the-science-against-the-covid-vaxx.html


Food Security Resources